Added on 14 April 2011 by Royal Aeronautical Society
With the Royal Air Force engaged in recent operations in Libya and still supporting the nation-building efforts in Afghanistan, the Guest of Honour for this year’s Royal Aeronautical Society Annual Banquet on 18 May, in London, could not be more timely. The invitee - Air Chief Marshal Sir Simon Bryant, Commander-in-Chief Air Command, RAF, is head of Air Command, the operational tip of the RAF’s spear.
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Added on 18 March 2011 by Royal Aeronautical Society
Aviation journalism intern wanted!

A space is now available immediately for a keen, enthusiastic Intern who is available now to work in the Publications Department on the Society’s prestigious magazines and website.
The work is based in Central London at the Society’s HQ. The Internships will be unpaid, but reasonable travel expenses will be available along with a free lunch.
The position(s) will involve being hands-on in the news process, as well as contributing to the running of the department, attending Society events and other Editorial work. You will need a good writing style and a knowledge of the exciting world of aviation and aerospace. Photographic skills, video editing and social media awareness would also be an advantage.
You will be able to learn about the Society and the global aerospace industry from the inside, have the opportunity for networking to advance your career, be able to attend Society lectures and conferences and get to see your name in print.
The posts would be ideal for a Royal Aeronautical Society Young Member between jobs, a recent aeronautical/engineering graduate or those considering a career in aviation journalism.
To apply, please send a covering letter detailing your availability and why you would like this Internship, along with a CV and 150 words summarising a major aviation story in the news to Tim Robinson, Editor, Aerospace International, [email protected].
Added on 17 March 2011 by Royal Aeronautical Society
“The most prestigious and long-standing awards in global aerospace honouring achievement, innovation and excellence”

The Royal Aeronautical Society has been honouring outstanding achievers in the global aerospace industry since 1908, when Wilbur and Orville Wright came to London to receive the Society’s first Gold Medal. In the years that have followed, honouring world aerospace achievers has become a permanent tradition of the Society. The Society’s awards programme has rewarded individuals and teams who have made an exceptional contribution to aerospace. Whether it be for a single outstanding contribution or achievement, a major technical innovation, for exceptional leadership, long and valued service, or for work that will further advance aerospace.
The closing date for the 2011 nominations is fast approaching!
Closing date 31st March 2011
If you know any individual or team who you think are worthy of a medal or award contact Doreen Warner +44 (0) 20 7670 4312 or [email protected].
For further information about medals and awards visit our website and complete the nomination form.
Added on 29 September 2010 by Tim Robinson
Exclusive interview with Captain Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown – WW2 aviator, one of the world’s greatest test pilots and holder of the record for number of different aircraft types flown.
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Added on 27 July 2010 by Emma Brown
2010 Aerodynamics Conference
The Royal Aeronautical Society is proud to announce its Applied Aerodynamics Research Conference during the week following the Farnborough International Air Show. Go To Item
Added on 22 April 2010 by Peter Bradfield
Press Release
At the first day of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s annual conference – Aerospace 2010:Beyond the Horizon, a team of speakers, issued a stark warning – “The UK aerospace industry needs more investment in research and development in order to survive”. Go To Item
Added on 21 April 2010 by Royal Aeronautical Society
Press Release
The Royal Aeronautical Society’s Annual Conference opens today. The two-day event brings together speakers from industry and academia taking a long view about prospects for aerospace and aviation. The conference will address the growing financial and strategic uncertainties affecting the sector. A key theme is the continuing importance of investing in new technology to meet environmental challenges in civil aviation and novel military requirements. Go To Item
Added on 03 February 2010 by Royal Aeronautical Society
Aeronautics and aviation rely heavily upon science and technology for their success. The complexity and level of the intellectual challenges that are put down has meant that, from the very beginning, academics have made many important contributions and academia has provided bespoke, high quality training for those people who wish to work in the associated industries. Go To Item
Added on 02 February 2010 by Royal Aeronautical Society
The last 10 years have not seen the overdue consolidation in the world’s airline industry. There are still too many airlines chasing too few passengers. The provision of infrastructure has been haphazard (new airports in China, new runways in the Gulf, prolific discussion in the UK). The continuing regula tory drag, and inter state imbalance, has inhibited many necessary efficiencies. Go To Item