Added on 18 December 2010 by Royal Aeronautical Society
Flying in Space
Piers Sellers talks about his most recent space flight, STS-132. The space shuttle Atlantis was launched to the International Space Station (ISS) with a crew of six on 14th May 2010. This was the third Shuttle flight for astronaut Piers Sellers who will describe how after docking with the ISS, the crew installed a new 8-tonne Russian module, carried out three spacewalks and completed some repair work to the ISS.
Tags: ISS, NASA, NASA astronaut, Piers Sellers, Podcast, space, STS-132, Wilbur and Orville Wright Named Lecture
Added on 03 February 2010 by Royal Aeronautical Society
Innovation has always been the life blood of aviation and space development. From the most entrepreneurial of beginnings to massive corporations the contributions to advancing aerospace that have come from innovations can not be understated. Yet as the industry has matured innovation has become increasingly difficult to achieve.
Tags: aviation industries, eclipse aviation, information technology revolution, lotus 1 2 3, orville wright, risk aversion, successful entrepreneur, vern raburn, Wilbur and Orville Wright, Wilbur and Orville Wright Named Lecture
Added on 31 January 2010 by Royal Aeronautical Society
The Chancellor’s pre-budget speech is likely to make clear the scale of the financial challenge facing us. Yet the world remains a dangerously unpredictable place as it emerges from the financial crisis into an as yet ill-defined multi-polar state. While we rightly concentrate all efforts on Afghanistan we must not lose sight of the current and future threats to the national interest that history tells us will emerge, often in unexpected form.
Tags: degree in aeronautical engineering, orville wright, raf air, reconnaissance missions, stephen dalton, tactical reconnaissance, Wilbur and Orville Wright, Wilbur and Orville Wright Named Lecture