Added on 18 March 2011 by Emma Bossom
The Challenges & Opportunities Ahead
London Heathrow Airport is the world’s busiest international airport hub and the UK’s largest airport hub handling some 65.5 million passengers in 2010 – representing 30.2% of all UK traffic. Despite significant improvements in terminal capacity through the T5 and Heathrow East projects, the airport continues to be constrained by its runway system.
Tags: Air Transport, airport, challenges, future heathrow, heathrow, london, third runway
Added on 08 March 2011 by Emma Bossom
From Pioneers to Presidents: Celebrating a Century of Women in Flight
Following the success of last year’s RAeS Women in Aerospace & Aviation Conference, the 2011 Networking Event will celebrate a century of women’s acheivements in flight.
Tags: Aerospace, aviation, event, first female pilot, pilot, royal aeronautical society, seminar, spitfire, women, women ferry pilot, women in aerospace, women in aviation, world war two
Added on 08 March 2011 by Emma Bossom
The Wonderful Women Ferry Pilots of the Air Transport Auxiliary
The Royal Aeronautical Society is offering a unique opportunity to meet the few surviving women pilots who ferried every type of military aircraft during World War II, including fighters, huge four-engine bombers as the sole pilot and even the first British jet-engine aeroplane. By the end of the war, ATA pilots had each flown dozens of different aircraft, sometimes several in one day, often never having seen the aeroplane before, far less flown it.
During the seminar, you will hear why the ATA was such a unique organisation, how the women ferry pilots were trained and what they achieved, what an RAF bomber pilot thought of the young women who delivered aircraft to his base, and finally hear from the so-called ‘Spitfire Women’ themselves about their memories of these extraordinary times and their experiences.
At the end of this special seminar, the Royal Aeronautical Society will be making a presentation to the ATA women pilots present to honour their extraordinary achievements.
Tags: Aerospace, aviation, event, first female pilot, pilot, royal aeronautical society, seminar, spitfire, women, women ferry pilot, women in aerospace, women in aviation, world war two
Added on 01 March 2011 by Emma Bossom
For more than half a century now, the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) has provided for the world’s aerospace engineers, scientists, technologists and managers, the preeminent forum to present and discuss the latest developments in aeronautics. This remarkable apolitical organization founded by Theodore von Karman and his international colleagues, continues to build on its impressive heritage, to be even more relevant to the global aerospace and aviation industries. This world congress staged biennially by ICAS is the key opportunity for those committed to serving those industries to meet, present, discuss and create opportunities that can only be done in such an international environment.
Tags: Aerospace, Australia, Brisbane, Call for Papers, conferences, Engineers Australia, event, ICAS, RAeS Australia Division
Added on 17 January 2011 by jamesallen
‘Cleared to Land’ is a critical review of the politics of planning and the political scheming that took place during the search for London’s 3rd airport. Why was Stansted selected when it didn’t meet any of the criteria laid down for the 3rd airport? How were the costs distorted to favour Stansted in the face of public opposition to it? And who was the puppet master pulling the political strings behind the scenes? Cleared to Land offers some insights into the machinations of government and the planning process and advocates that if the saga of Terminal Five and the Third runway at Heathrow are anything to go by then nothing has really changed during the last 40 years.
Tags: airport planning, airport planning review, lecture, paul hogan, Stansted, Terminal Five, Third runway at Heathrow
Added on 12 January 2011 by Royal Aeronautical Society

Taking place on the 13th & 14th April 2011 at the Society’s Headquarters, Aerospace 2011: Funding the Future will focus on Aerospace & Aviation in an Age of Austerity and address how both the civil and defence communities can look to overcome economic uncertainties and grow business in the coming years.
Tags: aerospace 2011, air power, aviation, aviation in an age of austerity, civil, conference, conferences, decision-maker, Defence, defence budget, defence budgets, defence procurement, Flight Simulation Group, funding the future, government, Management Studies, RAeS annual conference, royal aeronautical society, SDSR, society events, technology, Weapons Systems & Technologies
Added on 12 November 2010 by Sam Phillips
High Value, Low Carbon, Europes Future
The most important multistakeholder high level roundtable congress in Brussels in December 2010.
This is the aerospace event of the year where decision maker of the most leading European industry, politics and research meet.
Change! Innovation! Vision 2050!
Tags: Aerospace, aviation, Brusells, conferences, Europe, event