Aviation journalism intern wanted!
A space is now available immediately for a keen, enthusiastic Intern who is available now to work in the Publications Department on the Society’s prestigious magazines and website.
The work is based in Central London at the Society’s HQ. The Internships will be unpaid, but reasonable travel expenses will be available along with a free lunch.
The position(s) will involve being hands-on in the news process, as well as contributing to the running of the department, attending Society events and other Editorial work. You will need a good writing style and a knowledge of the exciting world of aviation and aerospace. Photographic skills, video editing and social media awareness would also be an advantage.
You will be able to learn about the Society and the global aerospace industry from the inside, have the opportunity for networking to advance your career, be able to attend Society lectures and conferences and get to see your name in print.
The posts would be ideal for a Royal Aeronautical Society Young Member between jobs, a recent aeronautical/engineering graduate or those considering a career in aviation journalism.
To apply, please send a covering letter detailing your availability and why you would like this Internship, along with a CV and 150 words summarising a major aviation story in the news to Tim Robinson, Editor, Aerospace International, tim.robinson@aerosociety.com.