IN THIS SECTION : Archives for May, 2010

CONFERENCE: Taking Human Factors and Safety Management Systems into the Next Decade

Added on 25 May 2010 by victoria white

22nd Maintenance Human Factors Symposium

This Conference re-establishes the UK involvement with the Federal Aviation Administration and Transport Canada in maintenance human factors symposiums which it was initially party to in the late 90s and up until 2003.

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Channel 4 premieres Aviation Documentary at the Royal Aeronautical Society

Added on 25 May 2010 by Peter Bradfield

Press Release - 25 May 2010

The Royal Aeronautical Society is the venue for a premiere of a brand new Channel 4 TV documentary – Fighting The Red Baron. Channel 4 has chosen the Society’s headquarters, No 4 Hamilton Place, London, to preview the programme to a prestigious audience of Society members, invited guests, cast and production crew.

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Added on 19 May 2010 by Royal Aeronautical Society

Guest of Honour: Tom Burbage, Executive Vice President of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

An exclusive gathering of approximately 300-400 guests from the aerospace community, this occasion has become established as one of the key events in the industry’s social calendar.

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AVM David Couzens becomes President of the Royal Aeronautical Society

Added on 18 May 2010 by Peter Bradfield

Press Release

At the 145th Annual General Meeting of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), held on 19th May, AVM David Couzens was officially handed the Presidential chain of office by outgoing President Dr Mike Steeden (RAeS President 2009-2010).

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Royal Aeronautical Society prepares for Shuttle Mission

Added on 14 May 2010 by Peter Bradfield

Press Release

The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) is keenly anticipating the lift off of the final flight of the Space Shuttle Atlantis, which is set to launch on 14th May. The reason for the anticipation is because British-born astronaut Dr Piers Sellers is taking the travelling medal of the President of the Royal Aeronautical Society on board. The President’s travelling medal is a lighter weight version of the Presidents official medal of office, normally the President carries the travelling medal when visiting the extensive network of branches of the Royal Aeronautical Society.

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2010 Ballantyne Seminar

Added on 08 May 2010 by chris male

This is an excerpt from an article published in The Aerospace Professional: May 2010.

The Ballantyne Seminar 2010 took place on 26 March under the title ‘Flying out of a Recession’ and its main theme was the effects of the financial climate on aerospace engineering and business. It was aimed at young people from 14 to 18 years old, to reflect on the ways that the aerospace industry has responded to the recession and what the future may hold for young people wanting to start a career. The Ballantyne Seminar was kindly sponsored by Boeing.

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Doctrine and defence cuts

Added on 05 May 2010 by chris male

This is an excerpt from an article published in Aerospace International: May 2010

The UK Government has announced a series of defence cuts in advance of a wider Strategic Defence Review. MIKE BRATBY from the RAeS Air Power Group asks if this combination of cost-cutting before planning for the future is reshaping Britain’s defence in an uneasy mix that does not add up to a strategy.

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