2010 Annual Conference Mini-site

Exclusive Access to Event Proceedings

Example of a media content posts - click for full image

In support of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s 2010 Annual Conference, a privately accessible website community has been created to host resource and media from the event. The ‘Mini-site’ allows conference delegates and those who’ve missed out on the event to review and ‘discuss’ the event content online, in a private ‘members only’ secure setting.

The conference content will be available on the Mini-site immediately after the conference. The following will be available on the Mini-site:

Audio recordings of the conference talks

All conference sessions are recorded and individually made available on the Mini-site.

Documents and slideshows

Accompanying documents and presentations from the session will be available for review on the site.

Related video and audio content

Additional media content of interest to the members of the Mini-site will continue to be posted to the Mini-site.

Content Discussion Areas

Individual discussion areas for each piece of content is available for you to make comments, ask questions and discuss each topic. The discussion areas are immediately below the content on each content webpage.

Do More

BOOK: and gain access to the community and event proceedings online
DOWNLOAD: a printable order form and full information about the mini-site
REVIEW: the full event programme schedule
BROWSE: the event page
VISIT: the Mini-site (login credentials required)

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